Saturday, January 9, 2010

Interactive Math Program Confused On Graphed Linear Equation.?

Confused on graphed linear equation.? - interactive math program

I am working on the task, and one of my problems is the following:
A = 0, B = 1 C = 2.
0x 1 y = 2
0 + y = 2
y = 2
I was working on the problem and
x | y
-6 | 8
-2 | 4
3 | -1
4 | -2
9 | -7
When I was in my reply, the problem (but met by Plato, interactive learning program in mathematics), said he was wrong. Graphic charts OUT role that I said I was wrong.
He says the answer is:
All couples who satisfy the equation y = 2 and have a value of 2 regardless of the value of x.

Can someone explain, because I had to explain this? ) In my first strands of Lesson 1 (Graphing Lines 2 hours in the society, said to graph the equation, where the x-axis additionally applied to the sum of the equation and use the points for the axis, the number to the next phase the axis on the table of the equation.

I am so confused. I have a screen cover, dot, if anyone needs it, just email me @ friskerbizit at yahoo com I'm so confused!

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